Opposition MPs Seek To Delay Introduction of ACH Act

A group of opposition MPs have lodged an urgent appeal with the new WA Premier Roger Cook asking to delay the July 1 introduction of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act. 

MPs backing the appeal include:

  • Shane Love, Leader of the Opposition

  • Neil Thomson, Shadow Heritage Minister

  • Mia Davies, Shadow Aboriginal Affairs Minister

  • Steve Martin, Agricultural Region MLA

  • Colin de Grussa, Shadow Agriculture Minister

  • Peter Rundle, Roe MLA

The opposition claims that the Act was rushed through parliament and has given farmers and pastoralists, who will be highly impacted by the ACT, no time to prepare. 

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Toni Buti has also admitted that the new IT system, designed to administer the new system for the act is not ready yet.


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Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act: Activity Categories