Proposed Primary Producers Firearm Licence

The Minister for Police is seeking feedback on the following information on the proposed Primary Producers Licence. 

The Primary Producers Firearms Advisory Board that has been set up by the State Government have released their first round of information relating to the Primary Producers Firearms Licence for feedback. 

The advisory board includes Trevor Whittington, chief executive of WAFarmers and chairman of Wines of WA. Sheldon Mumby, the WA policy director of Pastoralists and Graziers Association. Mick Sheehy, Pilbara Cattlemens Association chief executive, and Stephen Brown, Vegetables WA chief executive.

The board is chaired by WA Police Minister Paul Papalia and provides advice and feedback on behalf of the industry during the current overhaul of WA firearm laws.  


  • The Primary Producers licence will be capped to a numerical restriction of ten firearms per property. 

  • Licence holders will be able to use firearms listed on their licence on their own land for primary production purposes.

  • Written authority must be obtained from the landowner for a licence holder to use the firearms listed on their licence for recreational hunting and shooting on their land. 

  • The licence holder will be able to nominate people on the licence who can use firearms listed on the licence OR other primary producers' land for primary production purposes. 

  • A licence holder may obtain firearms for club or competition purposes, but they must obtain an individual licence for this with the added maximum number of firearms under that licence, and subject to those conditions.

  • The licence holder will remain responsible for the firearms listed on the Primary Producers Licence, in regard to storage of firearms, reporting obligations, etc 

  • Co-user firearms will be considered in the numerical limitations (if the firearms are owned or used by another it will still count towards the total of ten).

  • A firearm with multiple barrels is only listed as a single firearm. 

You are able to send your feedback on the Primary Production Licence via email to the by Wednesday 24th May 2023.


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